Thursday, June 12, 2008

Con Week 1 (removed)


Since the blogging about the con course never really took off, mainly because the course was a bit of a disappointment, I have removed this post by way if historical revisionism.

Conservatorium Course

I finally got off my fat arse and signed up for a course at the Sydney Con. I have for some time been thinking about doing some sort of study to do with composition. Something to help motivate and direct me was what I had in mind.

I have decided I will try to blog about the course, including all the pieces of music and musical exercises that I produce. We have already had six of the eight weeks of class, so this will be mostly done as a retrospective.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Audio Testing.

I would like to be able to embed sound files from directly into this blog. Below I have tried to create a link to one of the tracks I have uploaded to

A Tune For Mum

I modified the html generated by the soundclick script to remove some of the extra crap around the player. It is much more streamlined and visually appealing now.

Well, I ended up having to modify the page template to widen the main text column. I couldn't work out a way of forcing the soundclick widget to a width other than 470 pixels, which was too wide for the default template. Bit of a shame really, the narrow column for posts did have a certain aesthetic charm.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Video Testing.

Let's see if we can embed a video file here.

This is a little animation study I did from the Disney Snow White movie.

Where to from here

So I figured it was probably about time I posted another entry on this blog. If I am ever going to get into this blogging thing, I obviously have to post entries.

I would like to try using this as a vehicle for recording my experience with the "Music Arranging and Composition" course I am doing at the con.

I wonder if it is possible to have subsections or side threads or something similar.

I guess I will have to learn about embedding media in blog posts if I want to include any of the music exercises.

First I will try linking to a sound file on This is a little theme I wrote just before starting the con course. It was inspired by something on the website of our instructor Tamara O'Brien.

I wonder if there is some way to include audio media in a more immediate way. Perhaps some bastardisation of the video embedding.